Hey, Don't I Know You from Somewhere????

Maybe you do...I used to have a blog entitled "The Homeschool Nanay", which I stopped updating for about a year now.  Why?  Hmmmm...I had to rethink it.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE question about it!  And I will continue to promote it as my advocacy, my ministry, my mission.  But then, what about the rest of the nanays & tatays out there who send their children to traditional schools?
I realize that the Lord will hold ALL parents accountable for how their children will turn out, regardless of which type of education they choose.  And yes, it is possible for parents to be successful as the primary educators of their children, even if they're enrolled in a traditional educational institution!  What's the catch?  They need to be fathers & mothers after God's own heart!
So here's to all moms & dads out there, most especially my kababayans.  In case we've met before, some of the first few posts will be familiar to you, as I will be moving some posts I believe are important for homeschooling wanna-bes or newbies.  And if not, then I welcome you!  I hope to be able to share information, knowledge, and hopefully some wisdom with you, as we raise our children to become everything our Lord Jesus Christ wills for them to be!


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