Web Wonder Alert: Schoolhouse Expo!

School House Expo

Here's something to look forward to - the Schoolhouse Expo!  It is a "webinar", which is (for those who are internet newbies) an online conference.  Think homeschool convention via the internet, & this is it.  This particular event is not the first I've "attended".  I paid to attend one called "Charlotte Mason for the 21st Century" by Cindy Rushton last year, when I decided to learn more about the CM method for our homeschooling.  The investment was well worth it!  Why?
Firstly, you don't have to "attend" the webinar according to its schedule if you can't, because recordings of the sessions were made available to all attendees for downloading.  I chose to download the recordings instead of attend the convention's sessions live.  Even better, in case I wanted to listen again to something a speaker mentioned, I could!  A few clicks and I could do that.
Secondly, if you do the computations, it's really economical.  Sure, we ourselves in the Philippines would be more than capable to organize our own convention, and it has been done successfully in the past.  Inviting experienced homeschooling resource persons from abroad, however, will be the challenge.  This is exactly why online conventions make so much sense.  Practically anyone from whatever country can join the convention, live!  Have broadband, attend the conference, he he!
Thirdly, remember how you'd get so excited about all the freebies? Well, the freebies are still there online, but there's usually a time-bomb caveat to it, just like the Schoolhouse Expo. Browse through the freebies available to help you decide if and when you'll join the conference.
Lastly, and this is true of the Schoolhouse Expo only, the speakers' presentations during the conference will also be made available for download. This feature wasn't available with the CM convention I paid for last year, so I think it's a pretty good thing the Schoolhouse Expo included this now.
Should you decide to pay to attend and you're in Manila, let me know if you'd like to get together to attend the conference, be it live or on our schedule. Hope to hear from you! =)


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